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10 tips on finding a teaching English overseas job.

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10 tips on finding a teaching English overseas job.

Let’s face it, the reason why anyone takes a TEFL course is to find an English teaching job afterward. Contacting your TEFL provider should be your first go-to, but if you come up against a blank wall then here are 10 tips on finding a TEFL job to set you on the right path.

(1) Prepare a CV that is tailored to teaching English. If you have teaching experience then add this. If you don’t, then try to beef up your CV by adding mention of your TEFL course modules or any teaching practicum which was covered on your course.

(2) Once you have your sights set on a teaching English abroad location, you should go online and do a search for a list of language schools. Try and gain as much teacher feedback as possible because if a school treats their teachers badly then it’s sure to be well-documented on the web.

(3) Ensure that your email address gives a good first impression. It is recommended that your email address includes just your full name, and possibly your year of birth if your name is already taken by someone else. Don’t worry if you can’t find an available email address on one of the larger email platforms. Open up a local email account in your target country. This will give schools the impression more that you are committed to teaching where they are located.

(4) So you’re all ready to send off your CV and cover letter to a host of Bcc school email addresses? Don’t! Taking your time to address each school individually will considerably increase your chances of a response.

(5) Check your Junk Email folder. Not every email makes it to your Inbox.

(6) Always follow up! Haven’t heard back from a school? We recommend either re-sending the email or personally turning up to the school with a smile and your CV in hand.

(7) When invited for an interview, always dress as smartly as you can. It’s time to wear that tie or blouse you bought and have never used!

(8) Don’t sweat it too much during the interview. If you have been invited to attend one then high chances are that they are looking for an English teacher and might even be desperately looking for one. Don’t undersell yourself and always try negotiating the teaching contract and salary.

(9) Be upfront with the school. If they want a commitment for 2 years but you only want to stay for 6 months then let them know. Better to be honest now than to find yourself in hot water 6 months down the line. And it wouldn’t be fair on the school either.

(10) Accept that the school takes a chunk of your teaching salary. They have probably worked hard, for many years, to build up their clientele and reputation. But, don’t be a walkover (see tip 8.)

Written by Mia Williams for Trusted TEFL Reviews (TTR) | Best Featured TEFL Articles

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